You are at least 18 years of age.
You have either a regular bank account or an e-bank account in you own name, with which you can receive Euro payments from European countries, paid from a regular bank.
You have your own private email address and Skype account.
You have a valid copy of a passport or a valid official nation wide ID card of the country you live and work.
You work as a free lancer, meaning you have an agreement with the company to complete a task. This can be a minimum number of hours but most of the time this will be a set number of messages, either weekly or monthly. Of course they will require a certain quality as well.
You have a good working computer, desktop or laptop (including mouse and keyboard), good and stable internet speed (including a good working modem and router) and a steady power line. A free lancer can never derive any rights from the fact one or more of those are malfunctioning. Same applies when you make mistakes, caused by your connection or your stuck laptop.
This is not something we made up. It is in the law. All these things are essential to be able to perform online tasks and are therefore your own responsibility.
It is even so that if you inform a company your laptop is broken, you have no right at all to demand you can work again once it has been repaired. If a company allows you so, that is a favor, not a right.
If you live and work in the Netherlands and the paying party is also located in the Netherlands, a BSN is mandatory. The company must make a compulsory declaration using the so-called IB47 form.
You are responsible for the declaration to the tax authorities in your own country, regardless of which country.
A (large) part of the jobs we offer on behalf of companies is adult work. This may involve explicit nude photos, erotic and even pornographic material. Work as an operator also involves texts in which any subject between two adults may come up, including sex. If possessing or viewing such material or having such conversations in any way is prohibited by any political or religious law in your country, and you still apply and accept a job, this is your own responsibility and at your own risk.